Today we meet Karen Koop Wampler.   We found her on a Facebook page of a woman who had vented online after finding her immuno compromised child had been exposed to measles, apparently due to the cunts of the anti vax cult.

There was a bit of a discussion, covered below that culminated in this raging tantrum that was forwarded to me from our Mumbai friend.


I’ll let you draw your own conclusion as to whether she thinks a discussion instigated by a mother who is upset that her immuno compromised daughter may have been infected by a potentially fatal disease is a “provaxxer troll thread”.

Of course, it comes as no surprise that they start screaming slander when they read something they don’t like about themselves.  We will cover below HER posts (her words) and then look at who exactly has been defamed.  But lets first, revisit this issue of every anti vaxxer on the net screaming “slander”.

  1. 1.
    the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.

The action or crime of making a false SPOKEN statement damaging to a persons reputation.   A SPOKEN statement.  Yes folks, you cannot slander someone on the internet using text, that’s Libel.  Not liable as she posted above.  It’s also not Libel if it’s true.

So on that note, lets look at HER words on the internet and decide who is defaming who.


She’s quite well educated ? Well Ok then. I think we can all draw our conclusions from her posts as to her education level.    With a particular focus on punctuation or lack thereof and spelling.  Lets revisit that first post, given we now know how highly educated she is.


Highly educated.   Well, you decide.

and no, you did not read that wrong, she did indeed refer to her family members as DAMAGED.  Not only that, she called a poster a ‘big pharma representative’.  Her words.   I’ll leave if to you to decide if calling someone you don’t know a big pharma representative is defamation in the context in the post.

Hmmm .. “Your an idiot”.     at this point I remind you of the statement “i’m highly educated”.    I will leave it to you to form an opinion on that given her own words and again, the punctuation and grammar, as well as whether the term idiot is a form of defamation.

Make sure you read the whole lot. Perhaps we can wonder about whose nerve got touched at this point.



Then she launches into the standard anti vax comments right from the manifesto as well as a comment regarding babies and their health.  A very general statement in my opinion, but again i’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions as to the validity of the statements and how they make her look.  I have covered the issue of big pharma profit before, but as yet have not managed to get an actual response for an anti vaxer.  I feel the statement is BS and in the absence of evidence from these anti vaxxers, I don’t think my opinion on this is challenged.


and bearing in mind the initial post about slander, lets look a little more at her comments.   “flouride brain”.    Calling someone she doesn’t know and has never met neurologically damaged.   Calling people, including people in her own family, damaged.

Then off course back to the anti vax cult manifesto and the NVICP payouts which we have covered on this site before.

So again i’ll leave it to you to decide who is defaming who here.


Here she admits to leaping into the discussion (from Stop Mandatory Vaccination) and launching into the manifesto without paying any attention to what had been posted before resulting in reruns of the same anti va BS. She then manages to call everyone vaccine damaged.  Again, i’ll leave it to you to decide if that is defamation.


AT this point she manages to call someone a retard and claims to have 2 medical licenses.  We will check those later and update this discussion, but at the moment it looks like she may be a Physicians Assistant.   So we have someone who claims to have 2x medical licenses (note she didn’t say degrees) who called someone a retard.  Again, i’ll leave it to you to determine if you feel this is defamation.

She also proudly boasts about reporting people. I wonder how many people might see that as a form of bullying.


I think i’ll just leave these posts to speak for themselves, no additional information is required other than to note that she has removed some posts including one where she stated that tampons are 85% Glyphosphate.    Remember, she is highly educated, just ask her.


and i’ll leave this one for you to read and decide as well.



As for the 2x medical licenses, these appear to be them.   Physical Therapist Assistant and Massage Therapist.







Well she seems nice.  But I notice she hasn’t figured out that you can’t be slandered on the internet, and that there is no A in Libel. I also feel that perhaps that saying “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” comes in here.  In fact, I’d be inclined to say that the person that has been Libeled here, is not her, but rather the people she is attacking on Facebook.

I feel that given these comments, a complaint is going to be made to the licencing authority in her state.  But I will leave that to the person she leveled them at.

In fact, lets revisit this a little bit.

Harassment ? Is that like going to a womans personal page and attacking her and everyone else who you disagree with ?   mmm .. I feel we may have documented some of that going on above, but i’ll leave you to decide.

Is it also like sending someone private messages calling them a “mother fucker”, “asshole psychopath” telling them they are being “hunted down” ? Oh wait no, that’s a viable threat which is a crime.  One by that way that could have a medical license revoked.

and stalking ?  hmm .. i’m not sure ..  “pursue or approach stealthily.”   erm nope, i’m pretty sure that reading PUBLIC information is not, and could not be considered stalking.   The contents of this page have been forwarded to the licensing authority in Ohio for evaluation.








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